Despite several forms of workout being available today, yoga reigns as the most trusted and effective method of nourishing and toning one’s body in a holistic sense.

Most sought out of the various asanas are the ones that help to tone and flatten your tummy, of course! Because who doesn’t want a toned tummy that ultimately projects your good health?

Since yoga endeavors to work deeply on the core and the entire body with every asana, the poses mentioned below are a few of the easier ones, especially for beginners. These will help eliminate several stomach-related issues like constipation, indigestion and bloating along with strengthening the abdomen.

Here are 6 asanas of yoga to reduce belly fat.

1. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

This posture primarily works on strengthening your abdominal muscles and relaxing your lower back.

How to perform:



2. Dhanurasana (Bow pose)

Although seemingly easy, this pose can be quite a challenge for your abs, which is exactly what will help strengthen them.

How to perform:

3. Kumbhakasana (The plank)

Surely the most beloved and well-known of poses, the plank pose is one of the best poses to burn your tummy fat and tone your muscles.

How to perform:

4. Naukasana (Boat pose)

This is another pose that works fabulously on your side and front tummy muscles and strengthens your core.

How to perform:

5. Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

This is a slightly more difficult pose. So make sure to do this only if you are not suffering from any back issues.

How to perform:

6. Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana (One-Legged Downward-Facing Dog Pose)

The downward-facing dog pose can help you learn to balance your body and can also help strengthen your abs.

How to perform:

7. Vasisthasana (Side Plank Pose)

A variant of the plank, this one is a slightly more difficult one but equally effective on burning your belly fat.

How to perform:

It is best to practice these asanas for a flat stomach in the mornings for better results. Consistency plays a major role in seeing the effectiveness of the asanas. To avoid monotony, one can choose to do 3-4 different poses each time if doing all cannot be possible. In any case, it is most important to be consistent, and dedicated to the asana sessions and make sure to practice deep breathing during the sessions.

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